Aspects That Make Silicon Dolls The Best Sex Doll Choice

The two most popular materials used to create sex dolls are silicone and TPE. They are both excellent materials, but they do have their differences that impact how they feel and how long they last. However, for many, silicon dolls are always the Best Sex Doll.

Wondering why?

Silicone Sex Dolls vs. TPE Sex Dolls

Silicone is more flexible than TPE and can be molded in more ways than the more rigid material, so it makes for better options for customizing your options into a more Lifelike Sex Doll. Silicone also tends to hold up better in water, making it an excellent choice for bath time.

TPE on the other hand is less flexible than silicone, but it does give off a softer feel when touched which some people prefer over the harder silicone feel of many dolls. TPE is also much less likely to crack or break from excessive use or rough handling because of its firmness.

The silicone sex doll is the Best Sex Doll in the world. It is made of high-quality silicone which makes it durable, soft, and flexible. The TPE sex doll is cheaper than silicone sex dolls. Moreover, it has more flexibility because it is made of thermoplastic elastomer (TPE).

If you want a soft-to-the-touch doll with lots of flexibility and durability, then go with silicone! If you want a softer sensation and a more Lifelike Sex Doll experience, then consider picking up a doll made with TPE instead. It gives you a more real-life experience than its counterpart.

Advantages Of Silicone Sex Dolls Over Other Dolls

Silicone Lifelike Sex Doll is gentler on the skin than any other kind of sex doll. The material is also more porous, so it can be washed easily with soap and water and then wiped dry. This means that you won’t have any trouble with bacteria or germs getting into your doll’s body from dirty hands or clothes.

Lifelike Sex Doll

Another benefit of silicone sex dolls is that they can be customized as per your choice and preference on the bed. Silicon sex dolls are widely used for physical sexual pleasure. With a dildo or vibrator, a silicone sex doll can provide exceptional incitement and lead the user to a high point of enjoyment.

As silicon dolls are more flexible and softer, clients can experience a sexual experience closer to real sex by mounting vibrators or dildos inside. And this is what makes silicon dolls the Best Sex Doll among all other options, including TPE. 


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